Using a computer requires a certain level of knowledge that most users do not have, therefore they must rely on a support person, friends, or family members to help them when there are problems. A person simply should not expect to be able to buy a computer and printer, install software from several companies and expect it to work together the first time. Software support is a fact of life, like plumbers and electricians are to homeowners.
We can help you with: Lab Manager™, Backups, Data File Analysis, Network Questions, Windows Questions, Microsoft Office Products and much more.
Free support looks great up front, but when the company disappears, labs pay a heavy price for software with no future and no help. Companies with long range vision must charge a fair price for services rendered. Our plan has always been to be here to support you far into the future.
Experienced Technicians
Staffing a support department with top notch technicians that can support a large variety of products is expensive. Supporting software is unlike any other product, as it can interact with so many other products.
United States Call Center
Unlike many software companies, our call center is located in the United States. We do not farm our support out to non-English speaking countries. When you call us, we guarantee you will be speaking to a knowledgeable English speaking technician.
Fair and Reasonable
When a computer consultant comes out to your lab, you expect to be charged for his time and service. It is no different for us. While we analyze your problem over the phone, our highly trained technicians offer the same level of knowledge and expertise.
Convenient and Efficient
A phone support contract guarantees you quick, comprehensive technical expertise. No appointments to make. No waiting for the technician to show. Solve your problems quickly and efficiently in just a matter of minutes.
How we can help
Lab Manager™ Training
Support Hours: Monday - Friday
8AM - 11:45AM & 1PM - 5PM (AZ Time)
Arizona does not observe daylight savings time.
Calls outside these hours are after-hour support and are billed separately.
Closed 12PM - 1PM for lunch
Closed on most official US holidays.